Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Sweater heven!

So.... now that the winter break is over... I'm back baby!  Well today's post will be short and sweet.  Thrift stores!!!  It's not going to be as extravagant as the last thrift post I posted.  But this post is still going to be post worthy. Did I say post yet?

 I got these sweaters at St. Vinnies, and if you know me, then you know that I love to wear sweaters!  They are so warm and cozy, and you can never have too many sweaters.  But wait here's the back story...
So I was looking around in the "long sleeved" section when all of a sudden my mom calls me over and says,
"Hey Nicole come here, they have an entire section of sweaters!"  I was in shock, it seemed as if my whole world was turned upside down and backwards, what? an entire four whole 20 ft. racks dedicated to sweaters?  But how can this be? I looked over to where my mom was and ran to the sweaters!  Oh my loves!  My hearts only desire!  This is where we belong!  Together in a sweater heaven.   

 And I only bought four.

But hey that's more than some people!  So if you are a St. Vinnies fanatic, then you know that they only have a couple prices, and that they price by category.  So that means that everything I got was only $3.27 each.  Why do they not do $3.25, well it could be because they have a super secret savings account where they can store all of those extra 2 cents from all of those sweaters to buy themselves expensive things for their houses!!!  That or it's just because they can.

Cute ruffles!

This is my little sister, I tried on this sweater and it did not fit.  But it was adorable and I thought hey this would totally fit little sister!  Soooo... I had her try it on, she loved it and mom got it for her.  So really I am showing you five sweaters but I only bought four. Smiley face :)

Love the intricate weave knitting design.

Salmon stripes!

What a pose! 

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