Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Antique Looking Paper Flowers (Part One)

Isn't this cool?  I think it is.  In fact it's so cool and so easy to make I made the executive desition to teach you how to make this, mwahahaha!  You will never have a say in what I write about, you are cursed to only read what I present to you!  Oh my evil plan is working!  what?  Someone must have hacked my posting. ;)  Well this is going to turn into a 4 or maybe even a 5 part DIY.  (again evil plan is all coming together, maybe it's because I am wearing black nail polish, oh how stereotypical.
  Well here it is part ONE:
THE ACCORDION FLOWER. (bet you can't guess which one that is.)

First you need all of the materials, now pay attention because these are the exact same materials you will use for all of the flowers.

* Mod Podge
* Needle and Thread
* Little paint brushes
* Scissors
* Old book pages, newspaper, or what ever kind of paper you would like to use, it's up to you!
* Paint (totally optional)

Step One:  Cut out some strips of your paper.  Tip!  The wider the strips the longer they will need to be in order to get a good ACCORDION FLOWER.

Step Two: So this might be self explanatory but... glue the strips together.  :)

 Step Three:  Remember those old fans you use to make with scratch paper?  Anyone?  Well I use to all the time, and apparently I still do.  Haha!  Well ya, do that.  And if you don't ever remember doing that...  fold the paper back and forth like an accordion, oh imagine that! :)

Step Four:  Now with your needle and thread, thread the needle with the thread and poke the needle through the strip of paper.  It will not go through the whole thing in one punch, you will need to work it through the strip, but once at the end your good. (make sure you leave off at least 2 or more inches at the end in order to tie the knot! LOL Ya I guess you can use this for wedding decor! :)  Tip: Never reuse this needle for fabric, the more you use it on paper the more dull it will become and will not work well on fabric.

Step Five:  Now PULL!!!  And then tie the knot!  Don't worry you are not actually marrying this flower. :)

Step Six:  Start to shape the flower!  This  may be difficult at first, but just work at it and you'll get there.  If your folds are starting to get too wide, on the ends then that means you need another strip of paper.  Then Mod Podge the two ends.

Step Seven:  Well this step is just showing you what it looks like glued.  Now you can choose to be done or...

Do this...

and or this...

No matter how you want to finish it, end with a coat of Mod Podge over the whole thing.  That's right every nook and cranny.  Well just give it a nice coat. And...


Well this has been fun, right? Maybe?  Anyways see ya in part two! :)