Thursday, April 10, 2014

Tape Me a Flower (DIY Ep. 2)

So first of all March is behind us and now it is the time for those “April Showers” that bring beautiful “May Flowers”  or in this case… “April DuckTape brings April Flowers”.  Wow, that doesn’t have that great of a ring as the original.  But you get the picture.

What in the world I am DIY(ing) for you today?  You may ask.  Duck Tape Flower Pens!  I learned how to do this at my friends birthday party.  Can you guess the theme?  Duck Tape!  So one of the activities was to make Duck Taped things with fun and colorful Duck Tape.  Try to say Duck Tape 3 times fast.  It’s really weird and difficult.  I know because I tried.

But this little DIY is fairly simple.  All you will need is…

  • Duck Tape! (get fun colors and patterns for your desirable look)
  • Exacto Knife! (if you have little kids please help them out with this, they are very useful but like any sharp objects, if not used right will cut you and you will have an ouchy)
  • Pens! (round, square, any shape you like. :)
  • Finally a quilters board with measurements. But since every one doesn't have this, a ruler taped down on a wood board or stiff card board, something to protect your table or floor from the Exacto knife.  Step One:  Take the lid off of your pen. :)
Step Two:  Measure out the duck tape (DT), to the length of the pen from bottom to just before the pen does that tilted cone thing. Wrap the tape around pen until edge if flush with the pen. ( you may need to wrap a couple times depending on how thin or wide your pen is) 

Step Three:  Cut a small inch by inch square, put it on the bottom flat of the pen, make some slits and fold onto pen.  (this is optional, but I like to do it because it gives it a more “finished look” in the end.)
Step Four:  Grab your contrasting (DT)  line it up, and cut into 2 inch strips. (these are your petals) 
Step Five:  a. This can get a little tricky.  But if you keep practicing you’ll get it.  Fold the strip at a diagonal like you are going to match up the corners.  But fold it about 3/8 from the edge of the corners.
b.  Next you will grab one of the corners and fold it so it turns into a triangle with a sticky lip.  Congratulations!  If your (DT) looks like this picture, you have successfully made your first petal if not, try again you’ll get it.

Step Six:  (the fun part) wrap your petal around the pen.  Sticky side on the pen. (The beginning of your flower has begun.) 

Step Seven: Continue wrapping all of your petals around and around until you are satisfied with the fullness.  (do not make the rows into tiers but stack them on each other so you come out with a flower shape instead of a cone shape.)  Play around with it and have fun!

Step Eight:  Make as many flower pens as your wonderful hearts desire, and then put them in a jar/vase/ or pen container and smile for a craft well done.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Picture Earrings (DIY Ep. 1)

So, you have a lot of earrings you need to get under control do you?  Are you the kind of person that doesn't like your current earring holders because you have had them since you first got your ears pierced?  Except for the black one in the shape of a dress form that you are still going to keep because it is kind of cool, but you really just don't like it as an earring holder anymore?  If you said yes to any of these, then this is the DIY project for you! :)  (Even if you said no to any of these that's ok, you can keep on reading. ;)

  That's right, we are going to make this scene go from drab to fab!

O.K. so this is my first DIY project run through so bear with me.  (Grab a teddy bear and hug it while reading. :)

Step Zero: gather supplies.  Well looky here I took a picture for you of all the supplies.
I lied.  Sorry all but one, the sharpie!  We will see it being used later.
List: *Burlap, I got about a yard, but you don't need that much, I guesstimate about 1/2 a yard depending on your picture frame. (I literally used only part of 1/4 a yard  but no less than that unless you are using a mini frame)  It's better to have extra and have enough than to have too little and need to get more and just go through all of that stress.
         *Picture Frame,  I got mine out of my mom's cupboard, (don't worry I got her permission first)
         *Hot Glue Gun
         *Glue Gun Sticks
         *paper or cardboard for under the glue gun, wouldn't want your tables or floors all glued on.
         *scissors, preferably the one's that cut through burlap (fabric)
         *(optional) Exact O Knife, why?  you'll see.
         * Sharpie, any color will do

Ok now the fun stuff!  
Step One:  Cut off the back card board of your picture frame.  (I used the Exact O Knife for a cleaner finish)  If your frame cardboard comes off after you flip those little tab things, then you can skip this step.

Step Two:  Position your frame over your burlap (I put mine at an angle) and trace the frame with the sharpie.  (P.S. try not to get sharpie on the picture fame, unless you're going for that "sharpie on the sides of my picture frame" look.)

Step Three:  Cut it out.  

Step Four: Glue the burlap one side at a time onto the back of the picture frame.
(I glued one side, then the other side next to it, not across, this gave me the advantage to pull it tight on the other sides and cut away the extra fabric, and made the burlap more sturdy to hold many earrings.)

Step Five: Gather your Earrings and start arranging them on.  Fun Stuff!
And Vowala!  A new and chic earring holder.  This project is not only neat looking and very versatile to style, but it is quick and easy.  Seriously, it took me longer to put together this blog for you than it did to actually make it!  But I had fun both times!  It was like making it twice!

(Before)                                                                            (After!)

Monday, February 10, 2014

The Blog Formerly Known As "Dress Me Up For Less"

  HELLO PEOPLE! :)  I am very excited right now because I get to introduce you to my updated blog!  (And the crowd goes wild!)  Instead of a retro redo for a dress or what not, this was a retro redo for the blog it's self.  Don't worry I still have all of those other posts, so now you can go back and look at them and reminisce.  But not for too long because I don't want you to miss out on these new blog posts I am going to be bringing to you throughout the next months and perhaps years! :)  That's right, there is no getting rid of me now!

  The reason I even changed the blogs identity is because I felt a little held back on what I could blog about.  Though "Dress Me Up For Less" had good intentions, it didn't end very well.  Example (not blogging).  So that is why I bring you, "Sew Me A Blog" with this new title, page design, and atmosphere, I will be posting not just "Retro Redo's" but also DIY's and possibly just some thoughts on things!  Doesn't that sound fun?  Just looking into my brain... what?  Anyways.

"Sew Me A Blog"  what do you think?